Respiratory and Heart Rate Detection Using Continuous-Wave Radar Testbed Implemented in GNU Radio

  • Isabella Lenz Wireless Information Systems and Computational Architectures (WISCA) at ASU, Tempe
  • Jacob Holtom Wireless Information Systems and Computational Architectures (WISCA) at ASU, Tempe, AZ
  • Andrew Herschfelt Wireless Information Systems and Computational Architectures (WISCA) at ASU, Tempe
  • Yu Rong Wireless Information Systems and Computational Architectures (WISCA) at ASU, Tempe
  • Daniel Bliss Wireless Information Systems and Computational Architectures (WISCA) at ASU, Tempe


Demand for non-contact health monitoring devices
has motivated a variety of radar-based vital
sign measurement techniques. To demonstrate
these techniques, we implement a simple respiratory
and heart rate monitor using GNURadio and
a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) softwaredefined
radio (SDR). This implementation executes
a Doppler-only, bi-static, continuous-wave
radar application using an Ettus X310. We use
GNURadio signal processing blocks to execute a
simple respiratory and heart rate detection algorithm
that extracts these vital signs from a subject
within the radar’s field of view. In several
experimental trials, we demonstrate that the proposed
technique successfully extracts the respiration
rate and estimates the heart rate to within
± 5 BPM of a traditional heart rate monitor.

How to Cite
LENZ, Isabella et al. Respiratory and Heart Rate Detection Using Continuous-Wave Radar Testbed Implemented in GNU Radio. Proceedings of the GNU Radio Conference, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, sep. 2022. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.