Simulation of FMCW Radar Systems Based on Software Defined Radio

  • Carlos Lopez-Martinez Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya UPC, Signal Theory and Comms. Dept.
  • Marc Vidal-Morera Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya UPC, Signal Theory and Comms. Dept.


This work address the implementation of a Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave radar based on Software Defined Radio. In particular, we have simulated a USRP device implementing the radar system, in order to determine the radar performances, specially in terms of achievable range and range spatial resolution. We have considered the Ettus system X300/X310 equipped with a UBX 10-6000 MHz Rx/Tx daughterboard. The different simulation demonstrate that the radar would achieve a range of 3Km with a range resolution in the order of 10m. Additional simulations at different carrier frequencies detail the achievable radar performance.

How to Cite
LOPEZ-MARTINEZ, Carlos; VIDAL-MORERA, Marc. Simulation of FMCW Radar Systems Based on Software Defined Radio. Proceedings of the GNU Radio Conference, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, sep. 2016. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 oct. 2024.