RFNoC & Vivado HLS Challenge - Team Rabbit Ears: ATSC Receiver

  • Andrew Lanez United States Navy & UCSD
  • Sachin Bharadwaj Sundramurthy University of California, San Diego
  • Alireza Khodamoradi University of California, San Diego


Creation of custom RFNoC (RF Network-on-chip) blocks that process a received ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) signal is presented. The development workflow of RFNoC blocks may be perceived as complex and intimidating to some. Management of that workflow starting from Vivado HLS (High-Level Synthesis) 2015.4 and proceeding through the RFNoC framework is clarified with procedural steps. Coding and high-level synthesis optimization techniques that were used are discussed.

How to Cite
LANEZ, Andrew; SUNDRAMURTHY, Sachin Bharadwaj; KHODAMORADI, Alireza. RFNoC & Vivado HLS Challenge - Team Rabbit Ears: ATSC Receiver. Proceedings of the GNU Radio Conference, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 9, sep. 2017. Available at: <https://pubs.gnuradio.org/index.php/grcon/article/view/35>. Date accessed: 23 oct. 2024.