Multi-Receiver Real-time Intrusion Detection with GNU Radio and USRP N310

  • Daren Swasey Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering USU
  • Todd K Moon Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering USU
  • Mirelle DeSpain Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering USU


Indoor digital communication, such as
Wi-Fi, can be used to provide real-
time indoor intrusion detection. In this
work, we use signals internal to the
radio receiver, such as the PLL or
AGC block, to identify when a
channel is changing due to a target
moving within the physical channel.
We describe a test using GNU Radio
and Ettus USRP N310 hardware for
both a test transmitter and receiver.
Test results include a coverage map
for a system in a large building.

How to Cite
SWASEY, Daren; MOON, Todd K; DESPAIN, Mirelle. Multi-Receiver Real-time Intrusion Detection with GNU Radio and USRP N310. Proceedings of the GNU Radio Conference, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, mar. 2022. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 oct. 2024.