Demonstration of GNU Radio High Data Rate BPSK 10 Mbps Modem Real-Time with Only Multi-Core General Purpose Processors

  • David T Miller


This paper presents a GNU Radio Modem
design that demonstrates the feasibility of
achieving ≥10 Mbps Real-Time Binary Phase
Shift Keying (BPSK) performance with a
relatively low cost Personal Computer (PC)
that contains an 8-core General Purpose
Processor (GPP). The high date rate is achieved
with a single GNU Radio flowgraph and
without a Field Programmable Gate Array
(FPGA) or Graphics Processor Unit (GPU).
The high data rate is achieved by breaking the
incoming I/Q sample stream from a
LimeSDR-mini into four “chunk” streams with
each chunk stream going to a separate Symbol
Synchronizer (symbol synchronization) and
Costas Loop (carrier synchronization) chain
with each chain using a separate GPP core. The
GNU Radio modem then “stitches” the original
transmitted single stream back together by
using the frame ASMs and the frame counter in
the header of each frame. The approach is
scalable, therefore much higher data rates
(>50 Mbps) may be achievable also with more
GPP cores.

How to Cite
MILLER, David T. Demonstration of GNU Radio High Data Rate BPSK 10 Mbps Modem Real-Time with Only Multi-Core General Purpose Processors. Proceedings of the GNU Radio Conference, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, mar. 2022. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025.