Interior Target Tracking Using Digital Communications Signals for Bistatic Radar using GNU Radio

  • Todd K Moon Utah State University
  • Thomas Bradshaw Utah State University


Wireless communication systems employed in
buildings (such as WiFi) can be used for bistatic
radar to track targets moving in the building.
The transmit and receive hardware and software
can be readily implemented using Gnu radio.
The general processing steps at the receive in-
clude Doppler frequency extraction, using FFT
or MUSIC-algorithm based processing, follow-
ing by Viterbi or BCJR algorithm to smooth the
frequency trajectory, followed by track extraction
using an extended Kalman filter. The method
has been implemented and tested using real hard-

How to Cite
MOON, Todd K; BRADSHAW, Thomas. Interior Target Tracking Using Digital Communications Signals for Bistatic Radar using GNU Radio. Proceedings of the GNU Radio Conference, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, mar. 2022. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025.